The most effective way for a corporation to communicate their ESG efforts, internally or externally, is through a well-written ESG report or website. While more and more companies have begun to report on sustainability and companies are now faced with EU’s taxonomy and other regulatory changes, it is still an evolving space. This can make it difficult for companies and investors to follow. These challenges and implications are explored in the Sustainability Reporting Network.
The Reporting Network is composed of ambitious practitioners, as well as leading academics and experts in sustainability reporting, and is an arena for discussing best practices, sharing challenges and soliciting feedback.
The Reporting Network is composed of ambitious practitioners, as well as leading academics and experts in sustainability reporting, and is an arena for discussing best practices, sharing challenges and soliciting feedback.
Network Members:
Network Offerings:
Network Membership:
Membership Fee - 30 000,-
NOK/year/person ex VAT Annual membership for 12 months with simple, automatic renewal *S-HUB Leading Members enjoy complimentary access to all S-HUB Networks
Steering Committee
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Julie Hamre, has been at Scatec for almost 8 years and is their Vice President ESG Reporting & Strategy. Prior to that she was working at Deloitte within business development and audit and advisory. She holds a master's degree in business economics, specialized in strategy, from BI Norwegian Business School. Scatec Scatec is a leading renewable power producer, delivering affordable and clean energy worldwide. As a long- term player, Scatec develops, builds, owns and operates solar, wind and hydropower plants and storage solutions. Sustainability is at the core of Scatec’s business model and integrated at the corporate level and the project level from development to operations. Position Green published its annual analysis of ESG reporting – ESG 100 – rating the 100 largest companies on the Oslo Stock Exchange, 7 September 2021. Scatec was awarded with top rating (A+), placing the company, along with Norsk Hydro, as a leader in ESG reporting in Norway. |
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Øystein Kolstad is the principal engineer Corporate Sustainability at Equinor and holds a Master of Science in Chemistry from NTNU. The last 20+ years Øystein has had positions within sustainability at consultancy, engineering companies, shipowners and now at Equinor. With a great passion for sustainability, and for climate in particular, he works with sustainability strategy development, performance management, benchmarking and corporate reporting. Kolstad has been the project manager for Equinor’s sustainability report since 2018. Equinor Equinor supports the goals of the Paris Agreement and a net-zero future. They have brought CO₂ emissions in the oil and gas production down to industry leading levels, and are committed to do more, aiming to become a leading company in the energy transition. Sustainability is embedded in their strategy, and Equinor’s sustainability report offers an overview of how they are working on their most material sustainability impacts. Read the report here: 5 ways Equinor contribute to a net-zero society: |
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Experienced sustainability consultant specialized in supporting companies and investors in identifying, managing and reporting on strategic climate and sustainability risks and value drivers. Hanne has gathered extensive experience of supporting leading companies in the Nordics and internationally over the last 15 years. Hanne has also worked with leading investors to develop their approaches to integrating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors as part of their investment strategies. My experiences span across sectors including private equity, banking and finance, retail and consumer goods. |
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Anna Göhlman holds a position as Senior advisor in the Sustainability unit at Corporate level in Statkraft. She has more than 20 years of experience related to sustainability management and sustainability reporting, including topics like management systems, verification of sustainability information and development of strategy, targets and KPIs. She has been coordinating and developing Statkraft’s sustainability reporting for many years. |
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Head of technology and innovation at Accounting Norway (Regnskap Norge) with a broad background from advisory and audit work at both PWC and EY. Worked with clients within Technology, Telecommunications, Media & Entertainment, Shipping, Oil & Gas, Bank and Insurance, Government, Aviation, Production and Real Estate. Also heavily involved with Sustainability Reporting and Circular Economy. Professional Experience with Business Development, Sustainability Reporting and Circular Economy, IT in use in complex environments (Telco, Bank, Insurance), IT-governance, IT-security, General IT-controls. Assurance/Advisory Services, Internal Controls, Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Risk Management, Internal Audit, IFRS / IFRS for SMEs and more. |
Network Activities
Network gatherings 2022:
16.02 Network Meeting #1 - Business Control Systems & KPIs - (08.15-09.55)
15.09 Network Meeting #2 - Transparency Law: post implementation review (joint session with CPO, REPORTING & FOOD Networks)
27.10 Network Meeting #3 - Reporting - So what? - (08.30-09.30 - Zoom - Joint session with CFO Network)
23.11 Network Meeting #4 - As part of State of Sustainability 2022
06.12 Network Meeting #5 - TBD
Network gatherings 2021:
23.11 - Network Meeting #4
06.12 - Evaluation & Social gathering
Reporting Guide